Guidelines to Parents / Guardians
Parents and Children shall follow the rules and regulations laid down by the school from time to time.
1. Pupil should attend the school in the prescribed School uniform which should be neat and tidy.
2. They should be punctual and regular in attending the school as well as in following the class time- table.
3. They shall in no way spoil the school property or damage the school furniture or write or draw anything on the walls or desks. In case of such habitual violation of school rules and for misconduct, a student will be issued two warning notices. If no improvement is shown, the student will be suspended/terminated from the school.
4. The school is not responsible for any articles lost by the pupil. Parents are advised to see that, their children do not wear costly ornaments while coming to the school.
5. Children coming to school escorted by servants or relatives should not leave the school alone.They should report to the school office for help when their escorts delay in coming or do not come to take them.Every Pupil should invariably maintain the school diary.
6. It is compulsory and binding on the students to communicate only in English within the school campus.
7. They shall not remain absent from school without any valid reason for which written application from the Parent /Guardian is necessary.
8. They shall keep in mind that absence from tests or examinations shall adversely affect their promotion to the next class and shall entail strict action against them.
9. Various rules are framed from time to time keeping in view the general discipline in the school. The students are expected to religiously follow all the rules and regulations.
10. Parents are expected to see that their children follow the rules and regulations of the school which are issued from time to time for the smooth and harmonious functioning of the school.
11. Any short comings in the discipline of the student will be noted in the discipline remarks column. Parents are requested to take necessary corrective steps.
12. Parent should not use Mobile Phones within the school premises. They have to switch off the mobile phone before entering the school gate.
13. It is the duty and responsibility of the parent to inform the school in writing about the specific health condition of their wards requiring special attention in a normal situation or during emergencies. We presume that all the students are in normal health.
14. Parents may please note that they may lodge their complaint / suggestion / remarks with the Coordinator in writing unless otherwise it is an emergency. They are requested not to barge into the class rooms under any circumstances. However, they may request the Coordinator to call any teacher / ward / any staff member only during visiting hours for any issue who will accede to only if sufficiant cause is felt.
15. Parents are requested to maintain utmost decency and diplomacy during interaction with any staff member. However, they may bring any academic / non academic issue to the notice of the Principal & Secretary in writing in case they are unable to sort out in an amicable and congenial environment and not to precipitate issues which may in any way sour the relationships.
16. Punctuality and regularity in attendance are two very important factors in disciplinary standards. The students are also expected to be disciplined in all other aspects.
17. Parents shall keep in regular touch with the school diary and prospectus to know the entire performance and process of the school, however they may raise any reasonable querries and obtain satisfactory replies from the school office/Coordinator / The Principal & Secretary. They must invariably lodge their querry in writing only and give sufficiant and reasonable time to expect the answer.
18. It is mandatory on the part of the parent to know the academic progress of the child at least once in a month after fixing suitable appointment with the Coordinator. The school is not obliged to send any reminder regarding this. However the school shall send the academic reports for all the term-end evaluations.
19. Parents are expected to go through the diary, put thier signature acknowledging the contents on a day-to-day basis, note the relevant information, and act on the hints.
20. It is mandatory on the part of the parent to know the accounts of the child ( Payment of fees ). The school need not send any reminder regarding payment of fees. Parents may observe the schedules mentioned in the prospectus and act accordingly. However they may contact the school office for any clarification. Belated payments shall be dealt in accordance within the frame work of the rules and regulations governing this aspect from time to time.
21. Parent may attend the Parent - Teacher meet which is held on every second saturday between 11.00 am to 12.00pm for classes LKG and UKG, 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm for classes I to V 4.00 pm to 5.00pm for classes VI to X. Specific and separate notification shall not be made in this regard. It is obligatory on the part of the parents to come forward with constructive suggestions for the development the children and the school as a whole. Parents may lodge any relevent agenda for discussion during parent - teacher meet in writing two days in advance to admit the issue for discussion, failing which the issue may not be admitted for discussion in that meeting. However parents are allowed to meet the school authorities even on other working days by prior appointment as mentioned in this prospectus and information hand book
22. Children will not be called to the telephones or informed any particular information unless it is an emergency during the school hours.
23.vParents shall not send children to the school requesting for half-days. The school shall not allow any children to leave the premises unless it is an emergency.
24. On rare occasions, students might get injuries in the school campus as well as in play ground, despite utmost care, for any ontoward incident the school is not to be held responsible.
25. Parents may note that any of the rules mentioned above may be altered, deleted / further added / modified from time to time for the smooth and hormonious functioning of the school with due notice.
Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.